Tuesday, May 8, 2007

violet sea snail

having a bit of a break from the pixies and painting something i looooove to paint. shells. I love shells. i have hundreds around the house and have always painted and drawn them. I love the smooth curved forms, the intricate shapes within shapes and the immense variety and possibilites for creativity. I aloso love to zoom in on them and increase the size by hundreds. I have been inspired by Georgia O'Keefe alot as young artist and still find myself going back to admire her cow skulls and flower paintings in which she blows up images, cropping and zooming in on certain elements. Well that is what i've done here in a sense. harking back to my painting of a long time ago. This little shell is about 2cm square but i've made it huge. It isn't the most stunning or the most striking of my collection but i love the curves and colour in it. I also love the idea of looking at things in a new light and particularly the real little things in life. .....All this for a little tee. and yes it is little...just a size 00 lol well who says you have to be able to speak to appreciate art.
Unfortunatley lach had to return the kick ass whizz bang fantastic camera and has borrowed another one that's not so good. so the quality of these shots is pretty crappy..oh well
anyway tee goes up tonight on ozebaby. i hope someone likes it

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