Tuesday, July 22, 2008

a birthday fit for a princess

We're back from a much needed catch up with family and friends and a very special little birthday celebration. Lots of fun was had by all but especially the little folk of the family. All up Tully had 3 separate birthday celebrations with different family members. On her actual birthday we went to Fairy Park in Anakie just out of Geelong with sweet little cousin Lily and Aunty tik. Tikki and Lily had visited previously and had given it a big thumbs up and it sounded like the perfect place to spend a princess loving little girl's big day.

Tuly took along her own little plastic princess and happily dragged her around by the hair all day to show to all the other princesses.

We also had our own little rose red and snow white with us. Brrrr...it was cold up there!

Little man discovered the gingerbread house which was one of my favourite displays. Although it wasn't nearly as gruesome as some of our Hansel and Gretel picture books.

We finished off with a very extensice play at the playground which is one of the best ever. Rainbow dragons, little tunnels and crazy mushroom swings were the perfect way to finish off a great day.

It's always great to catch up with our families but one of the truly wonderful things is to see the absolute ball both Tully and Lily have in each others company. Sure they have there disagreements every now and then but generally they are just absolute little princesses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That photo of Tully & Lily is just gorgeous!! What a special moment to have caught on camera. Happy birthday Tully!