Thursday, April 7, 2011

these chairs

In 1963 my Mum and Dad bought these set of chairs in a shop my brother-in-laws Dad worked in. Both them and the dining table they bought to go with them hold so many dear memories for me. From birthdays and christmases around the table, sitting beside my left handed sister bumping elbows as we ate. Sitting for hours in them refusing to eat the sunday roast, squeezing around the table with my 5 other siblings after watching Dr.Who, the Goodies or Sweet and sour.

Over the years the chairs have had a few reincarnations. They started out blue/grey stripes with a white middle, then in the 70's they became bright apple green, then black much later on. They cam to live with me about 10 years ago and I do so dearly love them. For about the last 5 years they have desperately needed a bit of care. The black vinyl was badly cracked so off the went to the upholstery man. Yesterday they came home, a new reincarnation of themselves. Mum would never have chosen red for them, it's just not her colour but I LOVE them red!

These chairs are more than just something to park my bottom on. They hold a lifetime of wonderful times and memories for my family. They are so strong, sturdy and well made they will be here long after my children's bottoms leave home. these chairs that cost my parents a whooping 10 p nearly 50 years ago, well for me they are an heirloom that one day I hope one of my little people will take into their home for their family to park their bottoms on. I wonder what colour they will choose for the next reincarnation.


Shane Fletcher said...

They are just beautiful, may they bring many more happy memories.

Mary said...

Sweet and sour how good/bad was that show! Love your chair story Megsie they look like something I would pine over too.